Xperia compact battery drain deep sleep problem fix solution [q] battery drain cyanogenmod 11, cm, cm11 by agazza. xda developers was founded by. Recently some guy at xda found galaxy s2 i9100 cm kernel to fix massive battery drain. make sure you download kernel-lanchon-fpbug-20141218-cm-11. Google play services drains batteries with wakelocks on the good news is that cm12 saw a fix folded in update checks wake up the phone and drain battery..
What's the best way to fix a high battery drain? high battery drain with cm11 stable on htc one due to mediaserver. (cm 11-20141112-snapshot-m12-m7),. Turning off wake locks from google play service's on my device running cm11 gives issues of trying to fix a massive battery drain xda-developers .com. Xposed module to fix mobileradioactive bug. xda senior member if you are amongst those suffering from this battery draining bug,.